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Faculty List





Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Moderator/Chair Emerging Trends and Future Challenges in Competition Law : national and international perspectives 15/12/2025 Christ University National
2 Conference Presenter Reva HUME International E conference Biomedicine, Bio ethics and global health policies 30/11/2024 Reva University and Hume Institute for Postgraduate Studies in Lausanne, Switzerland, International
3 Symposium Coordinator Panel Discussion on Women in the Workplace 18/03/2024 Christ University Institutional
4 Seminar Presenter International seminar on disability rights and Laws Related to women and children Business and Human Rights: Changing dynamics 19/01/2024 Himachal Pradesh National law University in collaboration with law mantra International
5 Seminar Coordinator Seminar on Breast Cancer Awareness and Hair Donation Drive 26/10/2023 Christ University Institutional
6 Conference Presenter International Conference on Emerging Significance of Maritime Law in the Indian and International Arena A Critical Analysis Of Legal Aspects Of Protecting Unattended Marine Biodiversity 03/07/2021 Kerala law Academy, Thiruvanthapuram, kerala International
7 Conference Presenter National Conference on Changing Paradigm of Corporate and Commercial Laws Arbitrability Of Competition Law Disputes In India: The Duel Between Private Interest And Public Policy 19/06/2021 Jagran Lake University in collaboration with Taxman National
8 Seminar Presenter International Seminar Crimes against Children : Evolving Strategies for investigation and prosecution Vulnerability of Children in Cyber Space : issues and Challenges 06/03/2021 Kerala Law Academy Law College International
9 Conference Co-presenter 11th International Women and business Conference 27/08/2020 Guildhall School of Business, London Metropolitan University, UK International
10 Conference Presenter Decisions in Legal Education 2020 online conference on teaching and learning in Law Law firms and wellness at work : Need for a transformation 18/06/2020 Chinese University of Hong Kong International
11 Seminar Presenter One day International Seminar on Potection of Child rights and Law relating to women empowerment Marital Trend: An analysis of Judicial Trend in India 12/01/2020 ILI, New Delhi in collaboration with Maharashtra National Law University, National law Uiversity and Judicial Academy, Assam, AS university, Gurugram, ICFAI law School, Dehradun and Law Mantra International
12 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on Deliberations on consumer laws : contemporary issues and challenges in Global Market Consumer Protection in E Commerce; issues and challenges 23/03/2019 OCMC National Law University, bangalore and IFIM law School, Bangalore National
13 Seminar Presenter One day National Seminar on Indian Banking in the era of Globalisation and Information Technology An analysis of Indian Reforms in Banking Mergers and Acquisitions 15/03/2019 Milagres College, udupi Kallianpur National
14 Seminar Panelist A Two - Day Program on New Trends and Key Challenges in the Area of Consumer Protection Laws 11/03/2019 National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Importance of Women's safety Peer Ambassadors Training 23/09/2024 Christ Junior College
2 Application of CEDAW in enabling the progress of women's rights in India One day basic training program on Human Rights 12/03/2024 Department of sociology and social work in collaboration with the national commission for human rights
3 Awareness program on POSH -Prevention of Sexual Harassment at workplace Awareness program on POSH -Prevention of Sexual Harassment at workplace 14/02/2024 BEML LIMTED -schedule A company under ministry of defence
4 Regulation of Combinations: Issues and Challenges Dialectic on Competition Law 24/01/2024 CHRIST Academy, Institute of Law
5 Business and Human Rights Human Rights Day Celebration 13/12/2023 Oxford Law College, Bangalore
6 As a key note speaker and chief guest for a workshop on Regulation of Combinations Under Indian Competition Law Workshop on Mergers and Acquisitions 17/06/2023 Kristu Jayanti College of Law,
7 Jurisdiction in Indian Cyber Space : Issues and Challenges National Conference on Government Accountability and Transparency : A Global Perspective 17/10/2020 Asian Law College
8 Regulation of Combinations under Indian Competition Law National Webinar Series 16/09/2020 KLE Law College, Navi Mumbai
9 Business Ethics and fair markets : Lessons from global corporations Student Workshop on CSR, Corporate Rescue and Business Ethics 10/08/2020 IA School of Management Studies
10 Indian Law Firms and Wellness at Work : Need for a transformation CUHK LAW?s Directions in Legal Education 2020 Conference 18/06/2020 Chinese University of Hong Kong

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 A critical analysis of the legal framework governing cyber security in India. NIRANKUSH KENJIGE Christ University July 2021
2 A Critical Study on the Arbitrability of Competition Law Disputes in India: A Comparison with the U.S & E.U ASHWIN KUNAL SINGH Christ University August 2023

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Southern Region Law Review Consultation on the topic 'Right of Women Under Property Laws' JAYADEVAN S NAIR, SAPNA S,VALARMATHI R,CHAITRA RANGAPPA BEERANNAVAR National Commission for women External

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Building on best practices: legal education 5.0 Christ University Institutional 11/11/2024
2 Research to Reality: Publishing Insights for Academia Christ University Institutional 07/11/2024
3 Workshop on Practical Insights into Investment and Securities Markets in India School of Law Christ University Institutional 14/03/2024
4 One week FDP on Faculty leadership in law's emerging realms of forensics, conflict resolution and AI School of Law Christ University Institutional 11/12/2023
5 One week FDP on Beyond Boundaries through innovative andrologies to address student learning needs School of Law Christ University Institutional 05/12/2023
6 One week FDP on Beyond Boundaries through innovative andrologies to address student learning needs School of Law Christ University Institutional 05/12/2023
7 Christ University Higher Education leadership Program Christ University Institutional 24/11/2023
8 International annual summer school program on understanding competition law : perspectives from Asian countries School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology International 26/07/2021
9 International Faculty Development Programme on ?The Art of Doing Research? Pelita Bangsa University, Indonesia, Jyothi Engineering College and CHRIST (Deemed to be University) International 12/07/2021
10 Faculty development programme 1 -2021 CEDBEC, HRDC & CHRIST University National 16/06/2021
11 Educational Leadership Program : Towards a futuristic Legal Education School of Law, Christ University Institutional 19/05/2021
12 Hybrid Teaching Staff Development College, Christ University 02/03/2021
13 Developing Future Ready Legal Education-Design, Engage, Access, Impact and Lead School of Law, Christ University Institutional 11/01/2021
14 Workshop on CSA, Ethics and corporate rescue for managers and entrepreneurs IA school of management studies National 12/08/2020
15 Student workshop on CSR, Ethics and Corporate Rescue for managers and entrepreneurs IA School of Management Studies National 10/08/2020
16 FDP on Research and development in legal Pedagogy in post pandemic India Amity University, Kolkatta National 06/07/2020
17 Course on European Business Law -Competing in Europe Lund University International 04/03/2020
18 2 days National Workshop on Academic-Industry interface in contemporaneity developments in Corporate and Commercial Laws School of Law, Christ University National 14/09/2018
19 QIP On Curriculum Innovation : Big Data and challenges to Anti Trust laws School of Law, Christ University 23/05/2018
20 Curriculum innovation in Law Academic Staff College, Christ University 21/05/2018


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Sixteenth Dr. D.C. Pavate Memorial Visiting fellowship at the Centre of International Studies/Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, U.K Pavate Foundation in association with Cambridge University 01 March 2016
2 Senior Member-Sydney Sussex College, UK Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, U.K. 01 March 2016
3 Rao Memorial Gold Medal Highest at BA. LL.B. (Hons.) Karnatak University 22 February 2011
4 Late Desai Gold Medal Standing highest at Law of Torts Karnatak University, Dharwad 01 April 2010
5 First Rank Karnatak University, Dharwad 22 February 2011
6 Wr.D.C.Pawate Diamond Jubilee Celebration Fund Standing highest at BA.LLB. II year Karnatak University, Dharwad 01 May 2007
7 Wr.D.C.Pawate Diamond Jubilee Celebration Fund Standing highest at III Year BA.LLB. Karnatak University, Dharwad 01 May 2008
8 Wr.D.C.Pawate Diamond Jubilee Celebration Fund Scholarship Standing highest at IV year of BA.LLB. Karnatak University, Dharwad 01 May 2009
9 Nani Palhkivala Gold Medal Standing highest at LL.M. Nani Palkhivala Trust 08 December 2012
10 Chancellor's Gold Medal Standing highest at LL.M. Symbiosis international university 08 December 2021
11 1st Prize at National Legal Research Essay Competition ILS, Pune 02 December 2009
12 Wr.D.C.Pawate Diamond Jubilee Celebration Fund Scholarship Standing highest at V year BA.LLB Karnatak University, Dharwad 01 May 2010
13 LSDB's regional Educational Award for Social impact London School of Digital Business, UK 07 December 2023
14 Exclusive guest for a podcast on Womens' Day program He for She School of Business and Management, Christ University 06 March 2024
15 Certificate course on Laws relating to children in theory and practice Appreciation for organizing a certificate course on laws related to children in theory and practice in collaboration with Iprobono School of Business and Management, Christ University 06 October 2023
16 Recognition by the Child Protection Unit for coordinating the National Gild Child's Day Celebration District Child Protection Unit, Bangalore 24 January 2024


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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